Monday, December 06, 2010

Don't Tap on the Glass...

Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned attaining the magic $250, as the poker gods heard and they have cast variance down on me with a vengeance. The fish are hitting every two outer on the river, like chasing is going out of business. I say variance, but some of it may be I am not the LAG I need to be. LAG means loose/aggressive, I play and raise more hands than a TAG (tight/aggressive) but less than the fish. The key to good lag play is reading the flop and outplaying your opponents on later streets.

Anyway, here is the most illogical thing I do while playing online poker. Tapping on the glass. Is when you berate, insult, and abuse the retarded moronic plays fish make in the hands against you, when they catch unlikely hands to win the pot. As any theory book will tell you, there is no justification for it. The outcome will be one of two things, both bad. A) You will educate the fish, by explaining his bad play. You need as many bad players in the game as possible. B) You will upset the fish, and he will leave the table. Now a potential source of income has left with your money. I know all this, and yet , cannot resist turning the chat back on (I have it switched off in a futile attempt to combat this habit) and giving the fish both barrels. I keep telling myself, I need to get over this but..... ah well, they say recognising is the first step.

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