I have recently started on a new buddhist course. It's from the Shambhala tradition, which has Tibetan and Hindu traditions. Specifically I am following the methods from a book by B. Alan Wallace called The Attention Revolution. It is a ten stage mindfulness and meditation program.
Stage one is called Directed Attention. You meditate by focusing on the breath. When you are able to do this, if only for a few seconds, then you have achieved directed attention. The book recommends twenty four minute meditations, I am not sure why this duration, but it is a nice number. I managed the twenty four minutes today and I am feeling very pleased with myself! In my opinion (and zen masters) modern living has seriously messed up our ability to concentrate and be still. I am hoping to achieve better mental focus, keep depression at bay and generally become a better person using this method.
I am also going to use the method in my photography. Becoming more contemplative in what I see, and how I see.
more posts on your thoughts on Buddhism and your methods when it comes to photography please :)
Your wish is my command
I like the window photo because the colours are quite strange. I am aware I do not see colours the same as other folks.
Yes, the blue is very saturated. Possibly a combination of deep sky colours, a tinit on the windows and pushing a bit of the blue in post processing.
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