Sunday, January 02, 2011

Resolute shuns.

I have not played much poker over the holidays, mainly due to working rather than anything else. Back to the grind today though. I have still only been playing 5nl, despite not hitting my bankroll target of $250. I could not face playing 2nl to recover from the recent dip. It could be taken as a sign of weakness, as a good player must sometimes drop down when the situation calls for it. I decided that if the bad run continued, then I would drop at $100, and as my bankroll considerations are fairly conservative, I have not been taking that much of a risk anyway. So far, so good, as roll is slowly building again. I still think it must look odd to outsiders, thinking "Why bother?" But for me, the challenge of beating the game at the stakes I currently play, and the hope I can make enough to step up to the next level are enough to keep me coming back.

I was pretty hungover yesterday from new years eve, but not as bad as boxing day. I was putting the wine away, xmas day, and I really paid for it. My friend Del, had tickets for West Ham V Wolves, so a pleasant head clearing day was had by the both of us, watching the irons get a comfortable victory. The O's got destroyed 5-0 at Brighton, so every silver lining has a cloud, I think it is.

No real resolutions this year, apart from do more photography. I had a chat with my nephew James on New years eve, and we are going to try and have a day out on Londons streets, doing a bit of documentary.

Web site of the day

Merry everything to you all.

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