Monday, October 12, 2009

Leeds Castle

It's been seven years since my last bog entry. As Haleys Comet may be due (I have no idea, you would have to ask my sister Karen) I have decided to resurrect the blog.

It originated as a semi-pro poker player blog, which turned out a whole lot more semi than pro! Still playing, but only small stakes and for fun, though I still like to win.

Today, I have nearly recovered from a weekend staying in Maidstone Kent. My friend Del was chairing an event of The Embalmers Institute, plenty of alcohol and dodgy facebook pics later, It's Monday now, I feel almost human.

The hotel was adjacent to Leeds Castle. In order to postpone the drive back to Herts, we thought we would take a walk to the attraction. The entrance fee was £16.50 per person, I like a castle as much as anybody, but £16 quid? These things should belong to the national trust and be free or nominal charge.

Time to think about work on the late shift, see you in seven years?

1 comment:

annonisle said...

The Embalmers Institute? The mind boggles - I suppose it is one excuse for a weekend away.
Leeds Castle is expensive, but how else would they keep it? I am not sure the government is interested - they only have money for war.